
JavaMet is a 3D visualization application for students learning the concepts of image classification, particularly for Meteorology. JavaMet tries to teach, through exploration and interactive learning, the concepts of N-dimensional image classification of multi-band satellite images. A fuller explanation is available (here).

Development Technologies
JavaMet was developed using Sun Microsystem's Java and Java 3D. Java and Java 3D allow JavaMet to be deployed on both the Solaris and Win32 platforms. Java 3D allows JavaMet to exploit both DirectX and OpenGL for accelerated 3D visualization rendering.

JavaMet uses several notable Java technologies:

  • JDK 2 (1.2)
  • Java Foundation Classes (Swing)
  • Java 3D
  • Java Mail
  • Java Activation Framework


  • Loads three 8-bit RAW format monochrome images and generates composite RGB image (image).
  • Arbitary sized images supported (image).
  • Runs as standalone application, in the Sun Appletviewer, in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.
  • Example cloud top image classification (image).
  • Interactive image enhancement (image).
  • Can display all classified classes (image).
  • Threshold using colour frequency (image).
  • 3D colour display using pixel frequency (image).
  • Change 3D background colour (image).
  • E-mail submission of saved results. JavaMail is used to allow students to automatically submit their classification results to their course supervisor.

Running JavaMet
Installation instructions and required components
(here) .
User Interface guide
JavaMet Parameters

Run Samples
Planet Earth Applet (256x256)
Chernobyl Applet (256x256)

Comments, feature requests and bug reports are very welcome. Please include all relevant system configuration information and submit them


⌐1999 Tornado Labs, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Updated: 01/13/00